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Burns Quotes

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The stupid, it burns  (Burns Quotes) Kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute. Wanna workout?  (Burns Quotes) Laugh a lot. It burns a lot of calories  (Burns Quotes) A flame burns brightest just before it goes out  (Burns Quotes) The forest fire burns even tree like sandalwood  (Burns Quotes) Fire, even if put on head, burns only  (Burns Quotes) Truth burns up all karma and frees you from all births  (Burns Quotes) Food over flame burns, food over heat cooks  (Burns Quotes) Shameless: Punish me for my desire if you will. It burns still  (Burns Quotes) When the brothel burns down, even the pretty girls have to run out  (Burns Quotes) The lamp burns bright when wick and oil are clean  (Burns Quotes) The fire burns as the novel taught it how  (Burns Quotes) When one burns one’s bridges, what a very nice fire it makes  (Burns Quotes) When I look into the future, it’s so bright it burns my eyes  (Burns Quotes) And even if this world burns up hidden harps will still play here  (Burns Quotes) The lamp of genius burns quicker than the lamp of life  (Burns Quotes) I burn the way money burns  (Burns Quotes) Who burns me and shocks me and shatters me with a single touch  (Burns Quotes) Closing my eyes doesn’t help. Fire burns brighter in the darkness  (Burns Quotes) Fire isn’t good or bad. It just burns  (Burns Quotes) Love is a fog that burns with the first daylight of reality  (Burns Quotes) I suppose a fire that burns that bright is not meant to last  (Burns Quotes) Wood feeds the fire which burns it  (Burns Quotes) Anger is like fire. It burns all clean  (Burns Quotes) When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground  (Burns Quotes) Mr. Burns is a father symbol to me, and you can omit the word symbol  (Burns Quotes) Dancing with the wind: The fire burns, the water drowns  (Burns Quotes) You know what burns me? Matches  (Burns Quotes) Inert, all burns in the fierce hour  (Burns Quotes) I hope your bacon burns  (Burns Quotes)
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